
Nanosystems and Mechanical Engineers

The term 'mechanical engineering' generally describes the branch of engineering that deals with the design and construction and operation of machines and other mechanical systems. Students training to become engineering professionals have to delve into subjects such as instrumentation and measurement, thermodynamics, statics and dynamics, heat transfer, strengths of materials and solid mechanics with instruction in CAD and CAM, energy conversion, fluid dynamics and mechanics, kinematics, hydraulics and pneumatics, engineering design and so on. If you are currently doing coursework in mechanical engineering, better add nanotechnology courses to your core curriculum. Back in April, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) convened more than 120 engineering and science leaders from 19 countries representing industry, academia and government in Washington, DC to imagine what mechanical engineering will become between now and 2028. They identified the elements of a ...

Carbon Nanotubes and its applications

Synthesis   Arc evaporation method, laser ablation, chemical  vapor deposition, electrolysis, flame synthesis are the various methods that are used for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes in large numbers. Arc evaporation method, laser ablation and chemical vapor deposition  are the techniques which are used broadly for synthesis of CNTs. Arc evaporation method When hot plasma discharge is created between two graphite electrodes connected by a power supply of 10-20 A in the presence of inert gas such as helium gas carbon nanotubes are produced. The yield of carbon nanotubes can be increased by increasing the helium pressure inside the chamber to a certain value but beyond that value the yield of carbon nanotubes are reduced. Better quality of carbon nanotubes can be obtained by lowering the supply current. Instead of helium nitrogen and CF 4 were also used. Laser ablation method   When the carbon source(graphite) is doped with small amount of ...

Techniques for Synthesis and Consolidation of NSM (Nano Structured Material)

          Synthetically produced nanoparticles play an important role in nanotechnology. They are the basis for many applications currently being used on a large scale, and they have a great potential in the development of new materials.         The diversity of synthetic nanoparticles is considerable. They are distinct in their properties and applications. In addition to their size, synthetic nanoparticles vary in chemical composition, shape, surface characteristics and mode of production. Introduction         Nanoparticles are not solely a product of modern technology, but are also created by natural      processes such as volcano eruptions or forest fires. Naturally occurring nanoparticles also include ultrafine sand grains of mineral origin (e.g. oxides, carbonates). In addition to commercially produced nanomaterials, many nanoparticles are unintentionally created b...

Basics of Nanomaterials & its overview

Introduction to Nanomaterials Nanomaterials are foundations of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Nanostructure science and innovation is a wide and interdisciplinary region of innovative work movement that has been becoming attractive around the globe in the previous couple of years. It has the potential for reforming the routes in which materials and items are made and the range and nature of functionalities that can be gotten to. It is as of now having a noteworthy business affect, which will without a doubt increment later on. Gradual development of science and technology and the future Nanoscale materials are characterized as an arrangement of substances where no less than one measurement is not as much as around 100 nanometers. A nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter - around 100,000 times littler than the distance across of a human hair. Nanomaterials are of intrigue on the grounds that at this scale one of a kind optical, attractive, electrical, and different prop...